Homeopathic remedies can be used to help minimise any potential damage from vaccinations and their bi-products. They can also be used as an alternative to conventional vaccinations. Homeoprophylaxis uses the same principle as vaccination, using the originating product, being the disease being vaccinated against. It has been scientifically proven that product is so diluted that no original substance (disease) can be detected in the remedy, yet potentised to make the healing action even stronger with every dilution. In homeoprophylaxis the product is given in a 200 or 1000 times diluted potency. Tiny sugar pillules are then medicated with one drop of the remedy. It is safe for babies to take as well as children and adults with no side effects. The homeoprophylactic remedies are given in monthly intervals starting at birth or later. The prophylactic schedule is designed specifically towards the illnesses that are chosen to prevent against. The Parents can make an informed decision and administer the remedies in the home from an individual kit or bring the child into the clinic for monthly check ups. Homeoprophylaxis can be given for all conventional vaccinations. Hand, Foot & Mouth Disease and Fluprohylactic remedies are also available.