Homeopathy is a powerful form of healing. There are thousands of remedies made from natural ingredients. The substances are diluted, so poisonous substances loose their ability to harm, and then potentized – energized – to maximize their ability to heal. They are so powerful, that one single dose will activate a person’s own ability to heal themselves, on the other hand so diluted as to cause no side effects.
Homeopathy treats the person as a whole and not a certain disease. It brings the whole individual back into balance with all thoughts, emotions and physical sensations. Homeopathy treats babies in utero, helps during childbirth, can be used for all childhood diseases and first aid scenarios, through difficult teenage years, adulthood imbalances through to old age. Homeopathy can be used for pain on emotional or physical levels, traumatic experiences, behavioural disorders, emotional imbalances and autoimmune diseases.
Homeopathy is safe for babies, children, animals and people. Homeopathy has no side effects. If you overdose, the healing may revert, therefore it is important to confer with your homeopath before repeating your remedy. As part of the healing process, old symptoms might reoccur, but in a milder form than before. It is more like a gentle detoxification process.
Homeopathy gives you a single remedy tailored to your physical and emotional needs. This is highly effective, works rapidly and is cost effective.
Naturopathy will offer you nutritional and lifestyle advice, sell you many expensive supplements to address each of your physical and mental symptoms. You will need to take a lot of supplements over an extended period until healing occurs. So, homeopathy is more powerful, economical and faster acting. However, sometimes homeopaths will use naturopathic tools to support the healing process or for a more physical action such as detoxification and vice versa.
Simple acute complaints like coughs and colds may only take 15-30minutes.
A more advanced homeopathic consultation involves sharing the core issues with the homeopath. An experienced homeopath will ask questions about how the imbalance is experienced, the sensation is the main focus of the homeopath. The homeopath will take 1- 1 ½ hours to address the imbalance and gather enough information about a person to find the matching homeopathic remedy. It is easier to find the remedy when the person is descriptive and open to share core emotions. However, it is possible to find remedies for closed-off, silent people just as we do for babies and animals. After the initial consultation the homeopath finds the matching remedy, which is then taken once only. Within the first month, the homeopath will follow the healing process closely to make sure the remedy and potency are the correct match, the follow up appointment after 1 month is important for both client and homeopath to ascertain the action of the remedy. If any symptoms reoccur or other diseases occur a re-dose of the remedy might be necessary months or even years later.
Homœopathic medicines are made from a variety of sources, such as plants, animals and minerals. They are prepared according to strict guidelines set out in international pharmacopoeias and under the control of the Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA). These medicines can be given in the form of liquid, granules, powder or tablets and are designed to stimulate the body’s natural healing forces. A single dose or repeated doses of medicine may be given. Where illness has developed over a long time, several successive medicines may be needed during the course of weeks, months or years.
Homœopathic medicines may generally be taken in conjunction with conventional drugs without any adverse effects. Please talk with your homeopath if you have any concerns.
Most major health funds, including Medibank Private, provide cover for homœopathic treatment, depending on the level of insurance of the patient.
The term homœopathic vaccination is a misnomer. Vaccination, a well understood medical term, relies on antibody formation. Homœopathic medicines do not rely on antibody formation. They are intended to affect the patient’s initial pre-disposition to an illness, rather than the antibody/antigen reaction. When a homœopathic medicine is given to help protect the patient against infectious diseases, the correct description is “homœoprophylaxis”. Please refer to www.aroh.com.au – Policies and Guidelines – Homœoprophylaxis Statement.